Zukor's Sports1


  • 10 fun feedback games, based upon the simple, classic games
  • Featured at carnivals, state fairs and amusement parks
  • Simple, dynamic gameplay
  • Scoring system with optional point-based game unlocking
  • Works with all modalities of biofeedback and neurofeedback
  • Stunning graphics with subtle game sounds

Zukor's Carnival for NeXus

Carnival is not a single game, but rather ten games in one. The games are based upon the simple, classic games featured in carnivals, state fairs and amusement parks. Each game has a simple gameplay dynamic, but implemented with stunning graphics and subtle game sounds, plus a broad range of customizable options. Its scoring system includes optional point-based game unlocking whereby a player can not proceed to the next game until a predefined number of points are reached.

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