"These processes were not consciously visible, till now!"

Wednesday 28 February 2018

The main focus in neuro- and biofeedback in our practice is in ADHD-therapy, as well as in Hemiplegie/Hemiparesis. Through NeXus by Mind Media technology it has been possible for us to develop a specific protocol for Hemiparesis. In first studies processes were visualized, like a 10-fold (reactive) pathological Tonus increase in the disabled arm, only by simply touching it. This makes movement impossible. These processes were not consciously visible for both the patient as well as the therapist, till now!

We interpret this as a vegetative reaction and go one step further to new insights: pathological tonus increase seems to be only motoric overload (associated reactions/spasticity) which leads to abnormal reaction to stretch.

By using our own NeXus-protocols we gained insight into these processes and they became conscious, controllable and adjustable. If the studies are validated, which seems to be the case until now, we should reconsider the current protocol in therapy for treating Hemipareses, or at least complement it.

Karl-Michael Haus, Occupational therapist
Ergotherapeutische Praxis Haus

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